Dimension 4
Empower Through Collective Thinking
Collaboration, communication, and connection for social interaction and distributes authority by honoring all student ideas (Aguirre et al., 2013; Cohen & Lotan, 1995; 2014; Gresalfi et al., 2009)
Question Prompts to Center Equity
In what way does the use of the digital tool allow for students to collaborate, communicate and build collective knowledge among their peers and provide opportunities to affirm multiple ideas and empower students’ ideas?
TPACK Teacher Moves to Enhance the Dimension
The teacher provides classtime for small group interactions using the digital tool as well as whole class discussion to collaborate, communicate and build collective knowledge among their peers and provide opportunities to affirm multiple ideas and empower students’ ideas.
Students are working collaboratively
Students communicate with each other
Students make connections to the real-world and other mathematical topics
Task honors all students’ ideas
Potential Tools
Exemplar Lessons
Shadow Towers in Google Sheets